03 February 2008


Okay! So in light of my upcoming departure to Germany (for five months! whaBAM!), I've decided to make a blog-thingy so that you all can keep up to date on my various escapades in Europe, or whatever. March 3 is take-off day, so I'm not actually in Germany yet, but I just got my mailing address which I feel like I should give to people. So they can send me mail. Or other stuff:

My name, Rheingutstr. 40/635, D-78462 Konstanz (Germany).

I don't know what it means, or how the German postal system works, but I DO know (think) that if you put that on the envelope, it will probably get to me. So now you all can send me stuff, Google-Earth stalk me, and show up at my door, but for right now, peace out yo! The next time I internet blog-or-whatever my life, I'll be three thousand miles away at Rheingutstr. 40/635, D-78462 Konstanz (Germany), whatever that may turn out to be!


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking you should internet-blog your trip to Jolly England as well...as a kind of a preparation for the world, a blogosphere test-run! Also possibly for the people out there who might be living vicariously through your globehopping.

Anonymous said...

So you're on your way to the airport for england. please remember. aero bars. hot british boy. hot british accent. kthanks <3