27 October 2011

SWEDEN! Part the Last!

If you have made it this far, I am superbly impressed!  Go you guys!

Day 4.  Sunday, October 23.  Really Random Shit.

For our last full day in Sweden, we decided to do more running around and trying to kill ourselves.  So, we met up with Magnus again, and did exactly that.  Our shenanigans started with going to a cafe, where we ate cake for breakfast:

and where Marina suffered an attack from the robber.

I'm not sure what this is, but I think it's funny:

Then we decided to go Swedish shopping, and since there were no Ikeas in sight, we went to H and M, which also comes from Sweden originally.  

AND I BOUGHT A SWEDISH HAT.  I mean, if you want to get technical, it was probably made by underpaid children in Bangladesh, but I bought it in Sweden, and that's what counts.

After shopping, we discovered a Halloween store, and more or less went to town in there because Marina and I in particular were suffering from the complete lack of Halloween enthusiasm that is Germany.  So here are some superbly attractive pictures of Marina and Magnus:

and me in a superbly sexy flamingo hat:

At some point, Magnus took us to the library so that we could print out our boarding passes for the next day.  While Marina was hunting the printer down, I took the liberty of checking my email, and what did I find, but an email from Mega Stare Guy himself.  It was titled "Fake Portuguese..." and consisted of three lines.  "It was nice talking to you.  You seem cute and funny.  You need to learn more languages."  Remember what I said about Swedish honesty?  I debated internally whether or not to take offense to this, and then I decided making fun of people is the answer to everything, so I responded, "Cut me some slack, for an American, I'm doing pretty well.  Most of us barely speak English."  Whatever.  I speak way better German than him anyway.  He speaks conversationally, I speak real.  Shut it, Swede.  Your flirting is a *throws arms up over head* CATASTROPHE!

Then it was unfortunately time to put Magnus on the bus back to his real life, and to cheer ourselves up afterwards, we decided to go see The Three Musketeers, made possible by the fact that Sweden subtitles it's American films, not dubs them like Germany.  To make a long story short, The Three Musketeers was almost almost as bad as Twilight and just as hilarious.

Afterwards, Marina and I spent a bad 40 minutes in the supermarket, hunting down cream so we could cook for Couchsurf Boy.  Which we did, and he was a good sport and ate it, even though we bought coffee cream instead of heavy cream.  Oops. Dinner turned into card games, first Shithead, which I learned from 2 Dutch girls in Bolivia, then a round of Mao (I told them they would hate me, and they did), and then a Swedish card game called Hej Knecht.  Card games turned into building card houses, which devolved into flicking cards at each other after I kept playing the Big Bad Wolf and blowing everyone else's card palaces down.  Then flicking cards somehow morphed into flicking cards while tennis grunting, for extra authenticity.  Then we all snuggled up on his bed for a movie, followed by stargazing, followed by telling mind-blowingly hilarious ghost stories about moose in the dark.  At some point, two terrible jokes emerged: one about Chinese people crawling into your bloodstream, and one about killing your fellow Couchsurfers and putting them in the fridge.  I don't know how it happened, but we hung out for eight hours, staying up until 4 AM laughing our heads off.  It was an absolutely perfect last night in Sweden.

Day 5.  Monday, October 24.  Very Sad to Leave

We got up early Monday morning, cooked the only thing we had left for breakfast (pizza), and then hit up the airports.  I crashed at Marina's flat, and then headed back to Celle the next morning.  

Some final notes on Sweden.
Really, truly, it was brilliant, and I've decided after my master's degree, I'm moving there.  Feel free to not believe me,  but the first time I came back from Germany as a 16 year old, I told my friends and family I was moving to Germany one day, and everyone told me there was no way I would.  And look where I am now!  So Sweden, we are hanging out again on a more permanent basis, in approximately three years.  You heard it here first!

In other news, Marina and I have both been to Denmark, and now Sweden, so we've decided we need to hit up Scandinavia one country at a time until we find the one with the most attractive boys.  So Norway, watch out, we are coming in the spring of 2012! 

Kudos to all of your who actually read through the whole Sweden entries.  If you for some reason want more Sweden, check out Marina's blog, she's more concise than I am: http://allthingsmarina.blogspot.com/

Hej då!  That's Swedish for adios!


Anonymous said...

start learning swedish!


Anonymous said...

Love it! so sad it's a wrap! Norway time! Xx


Pueo said...

Tina, I love your blog! I hope to visit you in Sweden someday, after you move there.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear that you are enjoying your time in Europe, exploring, and LIVING. You keep going, girl!!!!
