10 December 2011

The Best Friday Ever

Hello everybody!

So I have had pretty much the best two days ever.  Thursday I had a perfect perfect jumping lesson on the crazy mare, and a singing lesson with the new lady.  She's nice, even though she makes me sing old-lady Italian arias from the seventeenth century.  She has probably never seen a musical.

Then yesterday started out with me being so nervous about my test results coming out in the afternoon, I forgot I knew how to steam rice, resulting in a stick, tasteless, highly disgusting rice mush that Host Mom graciously ate with her burnt fish, because she's awesome like that.  Then County Cork wound up spontaneously having time to kill before his 6 PM train to the airport, so I met up with him in the center of town.  About half an hour into coffee and hot chocolate, he said, "Is everything okay?  It seems like you're thinking really hard about something."  I said, "To be completely honest, my giant language test results come out in twenty-three minutes, and I'm panicking.  Do you want to go to the library with me and check out my grades?"  So that's what we did!

Aaaaaaaand...I PASSED!  Not only did I pass, I passed at the highest level (DSH-3) with the third-highest grade out of everybody!  I scored really high on everything, had almost a perfect score on reading comprehension, and failed at grammar miserably, and by miserably, I mean out of 100 points, I got 55.  But I scored so high in everything else, it was kind of okay.  Clearly my grammar is not a shambles, because you require good grammar to complete all the other sections, I'm just terrible at rewriting arbitrary sentences for no reason.  And just in case you don't believe me when I say this test was DAMN MEGA HARD, I did some math:

Out of 224 participants:

11 (including me) scored at a DSH-3 level
44 scored a DSH-2, which is the next highest level and the minimum you need to get into university.
66 scored a DSH-1, which is basically useless.
123 failed.

So when you combine all the fails with all the DSH-1s (which might as well be fails, seeing as they're basically useless), three-quarters of the participants didn't pass.

I'll take your 24,5% success rate, and I will PUNCH IT IN IT'S FACE.

Now on to the spoken part on Wednesday, and then I am done with the godforsaken test, unless I fail the verbal and have to retake everything!  YAY.

Anyway.  After I was done jumping up and down and squeaking over my test results, County Cork and I hit up the castle, which is free on Fridays, and therefore the only way you would catch me in the boring-ass museum.  We ran around like morons, making fun of the people in the portraits, playing with all the interactive children's exhibits, and inciting the ire of the museum staff, who coldly informed us that the museum insurance would not cover the damage we inflicted upon ourselves if we continued to use the floor-protecting slipper shoes they make you wear as a chance at sliding races.

After I put the boy on the train, I met up with Latvian Friend, Czech Girl, and her boyfriend, to barhop in Celle.  Hilarity ensues.  I got made fun of mercilessly because I lose the ability to speak English when I drink.

New favorite song!  This is from James Vincent McMorrow, who a) has a super hero name, and b) is Irish.  Win.

Have a great weekend all!


Mugambismonkey said...

Congrats, Tina! :-)

Anonymous said...

i'm so proud of you =)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Great job!