07 February 2012

Exit from Elba

I spent the weekend in self-imposed exile in my room, and refused to come out until I had finished the nine million required essays for one of the scholarships.  But those are done now, so I guess that's a good thing.

Well, I lied slightly.  I did come out long enough to go to a winter party at one of my two barns.  I offered to help out, and originally got put on chocolate milk stirring duty, which morphed into the waffle station.  German waffles are thin and served with powdered sugar, and also require basic knowledge of how the machines work.  I told everyone the one machine was faster than the other, but the cooking time differences were actually due to the fact that I messed up the first waffle so badly, the machine wouldn't close properly after that.  At the party I also did my first "Stockbrot," which is bread dough they wrap around a stick and you bake over a fire.  The Germans could cook one in five minutes flat, but it took me two tries and almost an hour before I finally cooked one almost long enough to kill off the salmonella.  Then I got impatient and just ate it.

Some entertaining things coming up!  I might go to a ukulele meet-up in Hannover tomorrow, because I'm just that geeky.  And on Wednesday, Latvian Friend, New Fabio and I are foregoing salsa in favor of live music at a cafe that caters to the crazy old crowd.  Salsa also caters to a crazy old crowd, the difference being that the people who come to salsa move awfully fast for lacking that many marbles.

Here's my favorite song of the day.  I realize the band's geographic proximity to Germany means I probably shouldn't have missed this, but somehow, I did.  Now I can't get it out of my head.  And since GEMA apparently stands for Germany is not allowed to Even go near Music videos, Alright?  I'm stuck with awkward lyric videos made by fourteen year olds who favorite Justin Bieber videos.


Anonymous said...

....new fabio??


Anonymous said...

yes, they have the same name.


Anonymous said...

this is where i laugh. =)


Anonymous said...

NO WAY, he's in his thirties, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

you are making it WAY TOO EASY for me to make a comment here, but i shall keep to to myself, and/or a medium in which no one else will see it =P
