Then I was off to Galway's place to celebrate the Kiwi's birthday. We drank wine and watched UK comedy shows (The Inbetweeners, Gavin and Stacy, Father Ted), which were hilarious. At one point, Galway departed briefly to Skype with his family, so the Kiwi and I made strategic use of the camera he'd left behind and filled up his memory card with completely moronic pictures of us doing hand stands, leprechaun leaps, and putting tin foil grills on our teeth. We are nothing if not classy. I have no idea when Galway will find those pictures, but I hope I'm in the room when he does.
But in the meantime, have a picture of the Kiwi's amazing birthday hat I bought for her yesterday:
Those are supposed to be candles, but a Cuban girl passing through the kitchen asked why we had pigs feet on a birthday hat.
In other news, classes start tomorrow. I'm am super, super excited, and by "super, super excited" I mean "scared shitless and internally composing my farewell letter to the world." I'll be back tomorrow to tell you how it goes!
New favorite song of the day! In what is most likely a valiant effort to stop me from listening to the Ed Sheeran CD on loop, my roommate sent me Ben Howard the other day, and I'm a fan:
That's about it! Adios my friends! And in case the German university system brutally murders me with an axe, turns my remains into currywurst, and serves them up in the cafeteria, it was lovely knowing you.
send me cookies thanks
We bought one of those birthday hats for someone once. They're hilarious!
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