18 March 2008

Letters To Germany

Dear Karma,
Thanks for (finally) giving me an awesome roommate that I love.

Dear Awesome Roommate That I Love,
Please stop speaking to me in English before I throw myself in front of a bus.

Dear Bus,
You are the epitome of punctuality and I want to transport you to Rutgers. However, I do not love you as much as I love my bike. I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

Dear Bike,
Thanks for being used, cheap, multicolored, and so ghetto your bell rings obnoxiously every time I hit a bump. You are the coolest piece of crap that I own.

Dear Worst Piece of Crap That I Own,
Cell phone, I have only had you for one week and I want to throw you into the Rhine, and once you're good and dead, I want to bring you back to life so I can kill you again. I hate you alot.

Dear Other Things I Hate,
Which means you, supermarket. You're really cool and all, but for future reference if you could sell conditoner as well as shampoo, I would really appreciate it.

Dear Other Things I Appreciate,
You're all extremely attractive, but if you could give me an "I'm gay" heads up, we can avoid problems in the future.

Dear Future,
All things considered, you're looking like a sweet time in Germany.

Dear Germany,
I love you.

Love (love love),

1 comment:

Toomin said...

"Guys, I don't think I want to go to Germany anymore..."
"I'm going to miss so much stuff at home!"
"I really don't want to go to Germany anymore!"
"Oh my god, I'm going to turn 20 in a foreign country and I'm not going to know anybody and it's going to be horrible!"

Sound familiar? Haha; it's a good thing that we didn't believe a word of it. Glad to hear you're having a great time! Everyone in Philly misses you (except creepy guy)