So the weather has been absolutley perfect the last two days (almost making up for a solid month and a half of mostly rain), so we celebrated in style!
Friday night we were hanging out in my apartment, and there were like eight parties going on somewhere below us. We were sitting at the table, and all of a sudden this weird kid walked by the window dressed in drag, gave us this creepy grin and waved. I was vaguely disturbed.
Saturday Sungmi and I went down to the Rhine for a picnic, which was really sweet. We just kind of chilled out for two hours, flew our kites off the bridge, and I somehow, in the middle of April in Germany, managed to get sunburnt. But only on one shoulder, which means half of me is red and the other half is pasty white, which also means everyone I know has been laughing at me. Took lots of pictures, and Sungmi, in her typical South Korean Ridiculous Adorableness made this:

Friday night we were hanging out in my apartment, and there were like eight parties going on somewhere below us. We were sitting at the table, and all of a sudden this weird kid walked by the window dressed in drag, gave us this creepy grin and waved. I was vaguely disturbed.
Saturday Sungmi and I went down to the Rhine for a picnic, which was really sweet. We just kind of chilled out for two hours, flew our kites off the bridge, and I somehow, in the middle of April in Germany, managed to get sunburnt. But only on one shoulder, which means half of me is red and the other half is pasty white, which also means everyone I know has been laughing at me. Took lots of pictures, and Sungmi, in her typical South Korean Ridiculous Adorableness made this:
That night the traveling circus was in town! So a bunch of us headed down to check it out, and it wound up being pretty sweet. The camels were quite cool, as was an emu they had jumping over the camels, which was mostly awesome because it was being bad and just running around in circles, eventually making 3 circus handlers chase it around the ring. Plus also they had a yak, which was probably the coolest thing I've ever seen ever.
Today was American Breakfast Sunday again, so Sungmi, Fabio and I cooked an entire carton of eggs, four packages of bacon, and two big things of pancake mix for everyone which was way fun. Another American from two floors down stopped by, we gave him breakfast, and he was telling us about a party he'd been to Friday night. Conversation went like this:
Him: So the theme of the party was dress-in-drag.
Me: Oh! That's what that was! Because some weird kid came up to our window in a black dress and waved at me, and I was really freaked out.
Him: Yeah? What was he wearing?
Me: Little black dress, a pearl necklace.
Him: A pink scarf?
Me: I can't remember, but definitely the pearls.
Him: Yeah, that was me.
Me: Oh. *long pause* Cute dress.
Afterwards we headed down to a Bodensee Park right over the border to play frisbee and wander around. On the way we passed behind the circus where a bunch of the animals were out, and guess what? I TOUCHED THE YAK. My life is complete, and if I die in my sleep tonight, I can die happy because for fifteen seconds I got to pet a giant horned beast that hails from the same country as the Dalai Lama. Seriously, how many people can say they've touched a yak?
I picked out that shirt that you're wearing in the pictures
Hells yes
Lots of love,
P.S. A yak?! the only knowledge i have of yak's was the nick had this skids show called yakkity yak, and it was really really bad. it only lasted like one season.
Him: Yeah? What was he wearing?
Me: Little black dress, a pearl necklace.
Him: A pink scarf?
Me: I can't remember, but definitely the pearls.
Him: Yeah, that was me.
Me: Oh. *long pause* Cute dress.
And again, I say, Tina has acclimated to German Society....
--Bruce, the somewhat-close-to-40 Yak-touching virgin
so i just wanted to let you know, that i read this thing almost every day, and that I am very interested in your life, and that when life stops kicking me in the butt with school and other related activities I will be downloading skype so i can actually speak words with you. just so you know.
love from America
"Yakkity yak...don't talk back..."
Surprised no one else quoted from that song... ;-)
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