Today we all went to Radolfzell for the Mittelalterlicher Markt (The middle ages market). If you can imagine it, picture Renaissance Faire meets church flea market meets punk rock emo wrist-cutting concert. If all three of these things could get together and having babies, their spawn would be a German attempt at a period market with bad dancing.
So minus the sad lack of dancing skills, it was actually quite fun. Everyone was dressed in very creative costumes; one kid had furs on (read: a dead fox slung over his shoulder. Which technically constitutes as having furs on, but still, it was a fox. A dead one. And it was staring at me.), and one kid had a really kickass pirate hat that I was jealous of. I made friends with the sword people and with the almond selling lady, and tried to make friends with Really Cute German Dude With Mohawk, but was unsuccessful. Other than not, not much really happened. People kept asking us where we were from, and then practicing their English on us which was funny for like a minute and then was just annoying.
Equestrian team party in like an hour, and then Sankt Gallin (again) tomorrow to see Hamlet (WOOT!) Not sure if it's in German (I hope it is), and sorry for the weird language mix last post, I blame 3 straight hours of actively speaking German and then coming home and trying to write in English. Sorries. Better luck next time.
OH! PS! I got asked if I was British?
Spanish Count: 10
Italian Count: 1
British Count: 1
Were there any trebuchets?
-- Bruce
NO. I looked for one, but there weren't any, and I was a little mad. I did however find random children dressed up as knights to catapult.
Speaking of trebuchets, I was at a friend's baby shower last Saturday. She bought this toy gun that shot little plastic babies. Or more accurately, launched them. The gun had a couple rectagular boxes. You put the baby in the lower box and latch the upper box over it. The upper box releases the lower one - launching the plastic baby several feet in the air. Pretty neat.
I should've asked my friend where she got it...
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