Dear Amy,
HAPPY 16th!! You can now officially drive and date, neither of which I will ever allow you to do. And officially (because it is your birthday), I thought I would give you a present:

Here, have Cristiano Ronaldo, he's all yours.
Germany wishes you the best 16th birthday ever, all my friends say happy birthday in their respective native languages, and thanks for walking all the way out into the field in your white flip flops so that I could talk to my horse on the phone--you're the best!
Liebe Grüße,
P.S. New Favorite Song of the Day (may or may not be a little obsessed with this band). But this video's sing-a-long style, have fun:
I feel so special, I get a whole post to myself!
I did wash my flip flops when I got home, they still look pretty.
And Cristiano Ronaldo is still the hottest thing I've ever seen. By the time you get home, I'll have my permit so you can't stop me from driving, and by the time you get home I'm sure I will have found some guy to sneak out of the house for JUST to spite you.
FINALLY sweet sixteen,
Amy! =)
In addition to Ronaldo I think Amy should also be given that guy from It's Amore, and the guy from the Color Splash design show. Then she has to make the three of them sit behind a curtain like The Dating Game and she gets to ask them questions to pick the winning suitor.
Happy bday!
She is NOT allowed the guy from color splash. That one's mine, even if he is gay.
Hey Tina i started watching that show and I was in love with him waaaaay before you were, go away! The amazingly hot gay designer is MINE.
But who needs dating games, why can't I just have all 3 at the same time?
^^ That was from Amy by the way. In case you couldn't tell. I forgot to sign it. Oops.
You TALKED to your horse on the phone?? Okaaaaaaay...did he respond? ;-)
Lol, according to my sister, he was interested for like seconds, and then went back to eating :)
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