I did, however, make friends. There was a group of Portuguese kids across the tent from me, and we waved flags at each other (because we were the only Portuguese fans there) whenever Ronaldo came on screen. I also made friends with a couple of sympathetic German old people, as well as with 80 million pre-pubescent French kids. It was actually quite cute, at half time my friend and I were walking to get ice cream, and the giant train of French ten-year-olds passed us going the other way. When they saw I was holding the Portuguese flag they went nuts, "Oui oui Portugal! Oui oui!" I (now) love the French.
The Motherland was a bit of a disappointment today. On the positive side, all my friends will still speak to me, and, because I rooted for Portugal, my parents will still my pay for college education. And I don't much care what anyone says, the Portuguese national anthem is WAY more kickass than the German one.
Contra os canhões marchar, marchar!
Horseshow all weekend, interesting stories should ensue. Adeus!
hahahaha, i love the story about the little french kids, thats just adorable. and the guy who cursed you off, jeez people take soccer so seriously over there! anyway, although ronaldo failed portugal today, he's still the hotter than everyone on the german team combined. therefore, he still wins.
with love,
Tina, I am glad that you are dealing with the disappointment so well. Get used to it. It's the Motherlands's way... We cannot win anything. I like to leave you with a quote that I recall from the great English striker Gary Lineker that is very appropraite here "soccer is a game of 11 against 11 players and in the end Germany wins"
Love, Dad
At least *French* prepubescent boys seem to have more sense than their German counterparts...
Go fake Spain! Eff the Krauts!
p.s. as an aside, the little letter puzzle I had to spell out to post this comment was fixvw, which had a very funny implication to Germany to my Yuengling addled mind. Yeah, I know where the Yuengling family came from! What of it!
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