I was trying to think of something to write about in this blog today, and I was drawing a blank. Then I looked out my window, and instantly it was staring me in the face: my new occasional series. Sure, there's always been Tina vs PPBs, which happened more or less accidentally, but I've decided we need a fresh Occasional Series up in this joint, considering I'm in a different place and all that shit. So, ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure, and some mortification, that I give you:
Is it Gay, or is it German?
Let me paint a picture for you. Pretend you're me. You're innocently on Facebook, trying to figure out how to explain to the host parents that a) Claire has booked a flight to come visit you (!!!!!!!), and b) you want to go to Sweden for a weekend. You're mindlessly surfing the web while the banana bread is baking. All of a sudden, you realize it's getting a bit dark out, and you decide your room requires some more natural light. So you pull the curtain aside, and do a double take. Because while there were many things you were expecting to see in the neighbor's front yard (trees, grass, flowers, dead animals,), the one thing you were not expecting to see was your very jacked neighbor, watering his garden in nothing more than really, really, ridiculously tight briefs. That did not leave anything to the imagination.
So I pose the question to you that I already asked myself: is it gay, or is it german?
German Gay?
HAHAHA! german. totally german.
Did you say banana bread? Did you really bake banana bread?...yep...german
yes I baked banana bread! It came out pretty okay. There is no such thing as vanilla extract in Germany apparently, so the internet told me to use maple syrup instead. it swears it's from canada, but I swear it tastes different.
It's German. I grew up around some fresh off the boat Germans and they did that kind of stuff.
There's definitely vanilla extract in Germany, it's just probably named differently. Hmm, watering his garden in tight briefs? I guess he was wearing what we call a "Badehose" (= "baithing trousers"?) and I guess that's German (but this guy may also be gay, I can't tell from here...) Pictures, please!!
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