16 June 2011

You go, Scandinavian Air.

Do you know what this is?  This is an advertisement by Scandinavian Airlines toting themselves as Europe's most punctual airline.  I would like you to know, that this is completely true.  In fact, Scandinavian Airlines is so punctual, that they somehow managed to land the plane in Denmark at the exact same moment as my connecting flight started boarding, and I had exactly negative two minutes to run through security and through customs.  Scandinavian Airlines is so punctual, I almost didn't make it. But I did make it.  You know what didn't make it?  My bags, which are still in Denmark.  A+ on punctuality to you, Scandinavian Airlines, A+.

On the plus side, my family is lovely, and when we arrived at the house, I was greeted by the sight of giant German carpenter men in traditional ruffled shirts and flared pants hammering things.  I am probably going to wind up sleeping in my airplane clothes, but I do know awesome when I see it, and that is awesome.   

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