take two......
omg so lets start with how the whole thing i just wrote disapeared and i am now devistated beyond belief :(
ok so lets start again.......
I want to make a shout out to Amy!!!!! For being the awesome supermodel that she is and that she has mad skillz that i am not allowed to mention
For those of you who dont me i am not going to tell you who i am but tina aka tino or whorebag wanted to make sure that you didnt confuse the two of us because for some reason she admits to how amazing i am and desnt want any of the credit for the amazing things i do because that would be plagerism. so all you need to know is i dont like grammer or spell check or other modern convienveces that help demonstrate my point most clearly. Also we have the added advantage of the german key board so some of the letters and symbols are moved around that could also make things more interesting.
So i guess we should start somewhere near the begining:
The day i arrived whorebag surprized me with Berlin for new years!!!!!!! super super exciting!!!!!! because first off i love love love surprises more than i have the words to tell you about be loveing surprises they are just so amaying. (the z and the y are switched and i cant seem to get used to it so zour going to have to deal because im tired for fixing all the words....sorrz bitches) 2. I had no idea that we were going to berlin because i had talked myself out of the possibilitz for reasons that i dont think i am aloud to disclose. So we got up earlz the next morning and walked to the train talked to the super nice others that were going to the same place ect....ect...and we never got lost on the waz there score!!!!!! so then we met couch surfing host guy (cshg) and he was verz verz verz nice but still a little odd but he whole heartedlz agreed to go see twilight with us. Now tina wants people to think that she onlz watches these movies for the comidic aspect not for their core values and overall amazingness the writing the acting the everything was just perfect it was like taylor laughtnor ripped off his shirt and wrote the screen play with his perfectlz chizzeled abs. Now seeing this is the 4th movie and the third that she has taken time to see in theaters i think that this is complete and utter comitment and this is far more that a love of the comedy of the overacted poorly writen work of some seriously toned abdominals....just saying
Anywho that was actualy on monday so lets skip back to saturday whitch was actaullz new years eve(and yes i know that i combined which and witch but i like it that way) we went to this square thing alexanderplatz that was full of stuff to do like eat sausages and drink bier ICE SKATE!!!!!!!!! so obviously we did that because ice skating is AMAZING!!!!!!!! then we went back to cshg and he made pizza dough from scratch whitch was cazy exciting becuase i mean who says hey im making pizza the dough will be ready when zou get back NO ONE IN AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So then we got over the shock of freshly made piyya dough and ate and then went out for the new year!!!!! The original plan was to shoot rockets off the top of an abandoned house but that didnt happen because when we got there it was clear that everyone was going to die trying to get down so instead we shot our rockets off on a street corner with like 500000000000 other people and nearlz took out a couple of them.....oops then there was tons of smoke like so much it was hard to breath and see but it was sooooo amazinglz fun that it was worth having to walk thought the ash and dirty rain for the next few days (but still really gross) Then cshg took us to a drum and bass club.... ok so heres the thing it was fun for like 20 minutes learning to dance how they do and then even watching them dance was fun but we stuck out like barnacles on a hobbit it just wasnt a our scene so we moved on to a bar and then finnaly went to bed around 6am. (cshg said he didnt get back from the club until 2pm the next daynow thats comitment) The next day we got up bright and early around 1030 and the sun wasnt even up yet to be truthfull the sun didnt come up all day it just rained but still we ran around that did things nazi airport east wall gallery dinner dome kind of things. So by Monday we were super super tired but had this big plan set and dispite wanting to sleep we trudged on again through the rain but when we got to check point charlie there was a starbucks so we deceded that we needed a pick up and that turned into an hour; a very enjoyable hour of drinks and a shared muffin, but not what one might refer to as a successful motivated hour. Then we tried to climb the was which may have been slightly inappropriate due to the atmosphere that is requested...but that didnt stop us and no one should have ever expected us to lets be honest. Last night we met with shbf and he was everything that was described and then some so if you have no idea what im talking about just be really realy jealous and for those of you who do shbf is even better in person. Then we had the best brownis ofr my life it was like a lava cake but it was a brownie and it was warm and it was the most amazing thing of my life.
So that was belin minus that part where we nearly misssed the train and the part where when we left the club there was a car covered in ash because someone had set a firework off from the top of it leaving a hole stright through the center and the materess that was on the street and when we had to use those as landmarks for directions but i mean who could zou miss those sorts of things. An then there were all teh people who thought that i was german because i blend in and tina doesnt but shes the one who speaks german that left more than a few perplexed. In the end i learned the there are two words for train but i cant spell either of them and i cant count to three but to be honest cool runnings can teach you that.
ok i hope that wasnt too painful for zou all it probs was but sorrz about that.
In other news tina sounds like a canadian when she speaks english i think its because she actaully pronaounces letters when she speaks and she is still a whore and its hialing outside and she can drive a stick shift and she eats mushrooms (ew gross) and we made cookies because we are just talented like that soooooo
latazzzz biotchezzzzzzz
Lady Luv Killah
We love you Claire..even with all the zzzzzsss, xxxxsss and whatever else you mixed up.
Best guest post ever!
The one thing that I did not expect is that TINA EATS MUSHROOMS NOW?!?!
hahaha this is fantastic!!!
you guys are fantastic.
why does tina eat mushrooms...gross.
omg i know right?!?!?!?!? i dont eat mushrooms because they are gross and they are a fungus so why anyone else would try them is beyond me
-lady luv kilah
Huitlacoche is a corn fungus and they use it on Chopped all the time. Clearly we need to hop on the fungus bandwagon.
mushrooms are delicious!
as always, Bruce is catching up on posts….
"we stuck out like barnacles on a hobbit"
this is a precious line. Funny, sick, gross, descriptive. A most excellent line.
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