Move to Germany...check.
Take the DSH language test, and almost die doing it...check.
Get into grad school...check.
Find a place to live...check.
Get a Crap.
Being the brilliant soul that I am, I chose to go to university in one of only two states that charges students tuition (the other being Bavaria, as if lederhosen wasn't already enough of a reason to never, ever go there). And when I say "tuition," I mean "allowance" for everyone in Short Hills, to the tune of about 900 dollars per semester, times four semesters, equals 3600 dollars. But I worked for a year, put up with all the people who refer to carbonated fruit punch as "juice," and saved up the tuition.
However, I was thinking things over recently, and I realized: I mean, I have that money sitting in a bank, but wouldn't it be nice to get a scholarship, and spend that money on cooler things? Like a bed, or things to eat, or a trip to Mongolia?
So, I've spent the last couple days researching scholarships, and there are some kickass ones. So kickass, they give you a thousand dollars a month, which theoretically would not only cover my rent, my bed, and things to eat, but also as many trips to Mongolia as it would require for me to learn to build a yurt. The problem is, they all require a metric fuckton of paperwork. It's like playing Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, except instead of tracking down people, I'm tracking down nine million other things: transcripts that Rutgers makes me pay for but never arrive, professors to write letters of recommendation except they no longer work at my university, multiple certified copies of every document under the sun, and on and on and on until I get so intimidated, I give up and watch Friends. Great work, Gumshoe.
What I need is a syringe-ful of world-destroying gumption straight to the heart...or else a genie to magically appear and give me a thousand dollars a month in exchange for a high five.
Back to applications. As soon as Friends is over.
New favorite song of the day!
I owned a pair of lederhosen once! I bought them in Bavaria!
Do it anyway! I know it's a pain, but that giant hurdle discourages so many people from applying that the applicant pool for scholarships is significantly diminished. You'll have a fantastic chance after all is said and done.
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