14 July 2012

Weekend Update from the south!

Hey all!

This is me, coming at you from the deep deep deep DEEP south of Germany--we have a view of the alps, and the option to go to Austria if we felt like driving the twenty minutes there.  Currently I am sitting in the hotel while Al is doing political things, which is probably fun and exciting but I can't really say because I'm in the hotel. Which is also fun and exciting!

The weekend started on Thursday, right after our Swedish test.  Which, for the record, wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be, and since I finished with so much extra time, I decided to entertain myself by drawing all over my exam.  I drew Viking pirate ships taking on a shark, a moose that could be mistaken for a skull and crossbones, even a really lovely self-portrait to compliment the "About Me" short text we had to write.  It had polar bears eating people in the background.  I risked a glance at my professor two minutes after she took my paper, and she was starring at me and turning red.  Hopefully she was stifling laughter, and not the burning desire to skewer me for defacing her test.

Afterwards we headed straight down to Bavaria, to spend the night at Al's house, and early yesterday we headed over to Munich to run around and see some of Al's friends. They were all lovely, fun people, and Munich was lovely as always.  We also met a super funny Turk-German, who, on top of being able to imitate every accent in Germany, does a hilariously spot-on impression of Adolf Hitler.  Oh!  And I got my sister the GREATEST postcard of all time.

Today, the half hour trip to our current location took an hour and a half thanks to Autobahn traffic.  On the plus side, I learned that every single car pulling a camper has a Dutch license plate.  Apparently the Dutch enjoy pulling campers, and possibly even camping in them.

And that brings us to this moment in time, where I'm taking a break from correcting papers by writing a blog post.  In a couple hours, I get to be Al's official guest to a political function, which is both cool and terrifying. Cool because when was the last time I went to a political function?  And terrifying because I'm meek and I'm foreign and when I talk to really important people, I always have the feeling I'm playing blackjack, in the dark, for ridiculously stakes that no one's quite defined for me.  And the dealer is God.

Back to correcting dissertations.  See you guys Monday!


Anonymous said...

<3 Amy

bevchen said...

The wrong south for me - I'm in the south west ;-)

Since you're such a Sweden fan... I'm going to Stockholm in AUgust. Any tips?

Anonymous said...

To be completely honest, the south west is my very very very favorite part of Germany.

I have a couple Sweden blog entries from when we went to Stockholm, maybe those will help? I can't remember what's in them, so I'll just post them here:




We were horribly untourity, and just sort of ran around making friends with Swedes. Which I would highly recommend. Also, the old city is super cool to just walk around in. Everything is REALLY expensive, especially alcohol, so get boys to buy you drinks.


Anonymous said...

that should read "un-touristy"

bevchen said...

Thank you! I will have a look at them as soon as I have a moment :-)

I have a boyfriend to buy my drinks. Haha.

Anonymous said...

there you go! Boyfriends are useful!
