06 July 2012

Things are looking up!

Good news!  Things are looking up!

You know what they say.  When the universe closes a door, it makes a point to open a window--even if that window is framed by hideous grandma curtains and you're too short to reach it.  Or something along those lines.  And when I say "window," I mean "highly theoretical math dissertation you get paid to correct," which is stupidly exciting to me.  It won't pay my rent, but it's a step in the right something-about-vectors-I-didn't-quite-catch.  I have negative idea as to what the paper I'm correctly is about, but I do know that in between all the complicated mathematical fauna, there is enough English for me to fix commas, add hyphens, and suggest better word choices. HELLS YEAH!  So pumped.  Not having an income makes me nervous, since I'm pretty much the undisputed Queen of Budgeting, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed this is the beginning of what may eventually turn out to be making dollars.  I mean euros.

Because I really, really need money.  Not so much for studying right about now (semester's practically over), but because Claire and I booked tickets to IRELAND!! Epic bike tour, here we come!  What's that you say?  We've never biked for more than like, half an hour at a time?  Yes, well.  I'll interpret that as "You guys are brilliant and have only brilliant ideas."

Despite our brilliant ideas, I'm electing to take out travel health insurance for the month of September.  Not because I don't trust our biking skills.  Mostly because I'm still not entirely sure what side of the road we're supposed to bike on, and having to explain to the EMTs I'm stupid as well as health insurance-less is not my idea of an Irish adventure.  That would theoretically involve a shit ton of sheep and castles.

Other good things!  I turned in my paper and did my short presentation, which I mentioned in my last post.  What I didn't say was I think went well, even though I threw it together an hour before I had to be in class, and ran it by Al as I was practically walking out the door.  My professor said it was super interesting, so yay!  I'd much rather talk than write anyway.  I find if I fuck up while talking, I can play it off for charm, but if I fuck up while writing, the only thing I accomplish is making myself looking like a German twelve-year old who's been hit on the head with a brick.

Oh!  In case anyone was wondering, the Is it Gay or Is it German? series is not dead.  It's just that most of the people I see nowadays are in their twenties, and they know how to dress themselves.

Spent most of yesterday and today working, but took a brief break to go chill on the Kiessee with friends and grill (read: watch other people grill) things.  We played a round of flunkywhisk, which is always a blast.  And now I've got to go read some more, and put together my giant presentation for Monday.


Edit:  Not a sarcastic yay.  My presentation is retardedly interesting to me.


colehead said...

I keep catching Felix, the guy next door who owns the barn Indy lives in, gardening in his underwear. I know he isn't gay so it must be German. Xoxo Cole

Tina! said...

haaaaa, brilliant!