09 October 2013

Ah, Germany...

After the chaotic, helter-skelter, unapologetically in-your-face time that was Mexico, here are the things it's a relief to be back to:

--People standing in lines. Alternately, people not cutting in front of you in line.
--Cars letting your cross the street and not trying to take you out in what I assume to be a pedestrian point system redeemable for tax breaks or tacos
--Being able to break a 100 bill without being made to feel like you've not only ruined the other person's day but killed their dog as well.
--Not being harassed on the street for everything from being foreign to wearing capris to not buying a useless mini-hammock for your pet ferret which you don't have.
--Fresh air.
--People actually adhering to things like stop signs, lane markers, and traffic lights, rather than taking them as "guidelines."

And here are the things I miss already:

--The weather. The sun. Tank tops. Summer. Walking outside and being like "You know what? It is actually hot today."
--The smells. Every time I get back to the first world after being somewhere else, I feel like I'm missing a limb. Then I realize that nothing smells like anything in developed countries.
--The colors. Mexicans know a lot about painting things to assault the eyeballs, and I love it.
--How cheap everything was. For the price of a one-way bus ticket in Göttingen, I could ride the subway in Mexico City fourteen times.
--Every day being exciting. When we were working, we never knew what adventures or mishaps the next day would throw at us, which was both exhilarating and exhausting, but mostly exhilarating. My days now consist of transcribing, working, reading, and transcribing, sans excitement.
--Things being open. All days of the week. Until seven pm. I know, crazy right?

And now I've got to get back to transcribing. Adios!


Anonymous said...

No riding?

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

haha that subway vs. bus ticket thing is UNREAL

Anonymous said...

Everything that is a relief to get back to was exactly the same for me after Indo!ha. I hate always having to make sure I have small change to do ANYTHING!-Lisa