Horse show was nothing particularly special. It was a big international show, as opposed to the last student crazyfest, but here are some minor points of interest for you:
I slept in an attic for two nights.
It was so so so hot, and there was no shade whatsoever in the ring where I did manual labor for three days. This means that all the Germans I was with currently look like tomatoes on fire (despite bathing in sunscreen), but thanks to my solid portuguese bloodlines, I forgot my suntan lotion and just got ridiculously tan, as in, tan enough to freak myself out when I looked in the mirror today.
In 2 and a half days I drank five liters of orange fanta and three litres of water by myself.
I made friends with a photographer who had been a flight attendant in the US. He kept calling me Jersey girl, and when I asked him if he knew what it meant, he got all freaked out because he thought he'd offended me. Personally, I embrace the fact that I can't parallel park, ever.
I made friends with the Irish, and it was more effort understanding their English than understanding other people's German.
What's a weekend without people thinking you're Spanish?
My Adopted Motherland (Spain) just beat Italy in the EM.
I've decided to stop lying to myself and just admit that German's aren't actually all that friendly. Well, they are, but it takes you like 80 billion years to get to know them, and then they're the nicest people in the world. They're kind of like they have really hard outer shells you have to pound at. But being a foreigner and a non-native German speaker, we don't get to start out by the coconut tree like normal people, we have to start like five miles up the beach. Hopefully that made sense. However, the really cool ones (i.e, all the ones I'm friends with) have all studied/backpacked abroad. I think this definitely improves their open-ness levels.
I overheard two girls talking about the so-called "ghetto" in Konstanz, and I got really interested because I've been looking for it since I got here. According to them, Wollmatingen is the ghetto, and they got "Ooh, don't go there," about it. However, I drove through Wollmatingen on the way back from the horseshow, and it is picture perfect houses with flowers on the windowsills and a few office buildings trading good clean money that has never seen the inside of a stripper's G-string. In my humble opinion, that is a CRAP ghetto.
That would be all.
hahaha, tina, i haven't gotten that tan this year. i'm deathly afraid that you might come home tanner than me, and i'm probably going to go sunbathing every day until you get back because that can NOT happen!!!! =P
HA! Guess what? I AM A BEAST PARALLEL PARKER! I can't turn left, but i can parallel park! WOOO! I got my permit yesterday (saturday). It was fun.
The beast parallel parker,
Amy show and there is nothing to tell???...who was there?...jumpers?...any americans in the mix?...met any cool riders?..and why were you doing all that manual labor? that part of the equestrian team stuff?
...and why couldn't you borrow some sunscreen from a friendly german? the way...the tan comes from your northern african heritage
a) The Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Germany, England, Ireland, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Poland, Switzerland, Denmark, and Italy were there.
b) They were pony jumpers, and those ponies are inTENSE yo.
c) no americans, just me.
d) all the riders were like 12.
e) we were jump crew, thus the ridiculous amount of manual labor.
f) The germans weren't friendly
g) go north africa
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