14 September 2011

Horse pictures...that's all I got.

There is no point to this post, other than to put up horse pictures.  This is Casy.  Looks like Casey, but is pronounced like the second half of Kamikaze, which is why I have started calling her that.  It helps that she's batshit insane.

Free salsa lessons with Latvian Friend at a shady Latino bar tonight...should be entertaining!  Adios!


Anonymous said...

in typical auntie-amy fashion i want to run up to her, cuddle her face, and possibly sneak her treats while you're not looking. bring her to america kthanks. or bring me to germany. actually i kind of like option 2.

me <3

Mugambismonkey said...

Well, what can I say... this animal looks pretty much like a horse to me! :-)