24 September 2011

Raisinets and Reveals

Currently I am attempting to invent the organic version of Raisinets.  In the refrigerator, I've got organic raisin smothered in the organic version of nutella, and now I'm waiting for them to get hard so I can eat them.  Hee.  Heeheehee.  I funny.

Also, I didn't know it, but the drink of choice when you're sick is cultural.  Who knew? In the US, whenever you have a cold, they tell you to drink orange juice and whatever you do, DO NOT DRINK THE MILK.  Here, they tell you to drink the milk, and add honey to it for good measure.

On Sunday we are going to a baby christening, which I am really curious about seeing as how I've only been in a church three times in my entire life, and two of those times were for funerals.  I don't know what a baby christening involved, seeing as how I've never been to one, but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess some Christ. Apparently christenings are the norm here, even if you're anti-organised religion.  In an effort to make myself useful, I have, however, volunteered to bake the Portuguese dessert, although it occurred to me (too late to change it), that I've never actually tried the dessert in question, I only know what it looks like.  So it'll be a surprise, for everyone involved.  And who doesn't like surprises!

Wednesday Latvian friend and I hit up the free salsa lessons, and I had to be ashamed of myself when the face-tattooed Spanish waiter decided to practice his Portuguese with me.  So I need one of my spanish-speaking friends (looking in your general direction, Jovanna!) to tell me how one would say "Sorry Face Tattoo Guy, I only look the part and bake the cookies" en espanol.  Dominican Dance Man decided to give me a refresher course in Spanish, which was only tolerable because he's pretty. Basically, I spent the evening alternating between dancing, and being sad that my (more or less) bilingual state is useless when dealing with Hispanics.  

Speaking of being more or less bilingual, it's official: most Germans can't place my accent, and other foreigners (plus some kinder Germans) don't realize I have one. Hells yeah!


The Rihanna painter was, wait for it...straight.  I know this because I have never met a single gay man that would try that hard to get through the blinds while I was changing my shirt.  Awkward, but informative.  That puts the IIGOIIG scoreboard up to:

German: 1
Crazy and Homeless:  1
In Denial:  1
Danish:  1
Gay: 0

Poor Taste in Music:  1

Favorite song of the day?  You got it.  Really, I just like his hair.

This is my last attempt to convince you to write to me, and then I am giving up.  I spent 10 euros at the store way back in August, buying fun postcards with sheep on them, and so far, the only person who I've managed to send one to is Claire.  And trust me, you are missing out, as Claire's card will surely prove.  It had lots of sheep asses all over it, and said "Danke, dass du kein Arsch bist," which translates to "Thanks for not being an ass," but I artfully scribbled over a k, thus rendering it, "Thanks for being an ass."  So WRITE ME GODDAMIT.  For the sheep's sake.

Hugs and kisses.



Sam said...

Guilt trip received and letter written! Will go in the post on Monday. Here's a preview: robot death, croquet, and why talking to strangers can be awesome.

Anonymous said...

raisinets <3 okay okay i'll write you a letter JEEZ. i'm a procrastinator i can't help it.

<3 amy

Mugambismonkey said...

I like the sound of that song at the end. Inspirational! Thanks for that.