15 September 2011

Lots of little things

Woah, look at me posting like a fiend the last few days.

My sister pointed out that I left exactly three months ago today, which is both cool, and a little sad.  I also realized today that in the month of July, I sent out not one, not two, but thirteen letters.  In return, I have received one letter from Jen, one from Claire, and an E-card.  Also two from my mother, but she was not part of the group I originally sent letters to.  Guys, I love you and miss you, but ya'll suck at the pen pal game. Write me, goddamit!

German skills have improved dramatically.  I went into Hannover the other day to talk to the guy in charge of the language test course.  He made me feel a lot better about this test, but he said that of the 200 or so students that take it each time it's offered, a solid two thirds of them fail.  But he thinks I have a really good chance because my speaking, reading, and understanding skills are pretty sweet.  It's writing I still have a problem with, but I'm working on it.  I did find an educational pamphlet on the test that said that in order to pass it, you have to be at at least a B2/C1 level, which makes me happy.  I was a B2 a month ago, and I'm pretty sure I'm a C1 now.  Or at least close to it.

In other news, I am best buddies with the new horse.  Her owner is thrilled to death that someone with the skill set to manage her psychotic animal basically dropped out of the sky, and I'm happy to have a horse to go to every day.  The owner is also hugely impressed that I figured the horse out so fast, but really, there wasn't much to figure out, seeing as I owned that horse for six years.  The only difference between this mare and Austin is that the mare doesn't have total mental breakdowns when you tell her she can't go fast.  So really, she's actually a step down on the difficulty ladder, although I do find myself missing Austin's signature Triple Angry Stomp.

I've also been attempting to come up with the weirdest nicknames possible for her.  So far Kamikaze seems to be winning, but I'm also rather fond of Kozzi-stan and CousCous.  Which makes no sense, and has nothing to do with her name, it's just fun to say.  Hit me up with whatever you can think of!

Free Latin dancing lessons at the shady bar last night was actually a ton of fun. When Latvian Friend and I walked in, we were the only ones there, and it was superbly awkward because the 40 year old Spanish waiter with tattoos on his face was hitting on me.  But we were eventually joined by a few other girls (who were quite nice), and a really insane old lady who was dancing around in circles in the corner, until she decided she'd rather forcefully pull my hair out of it's braid while yelling, "Let your hair be freeeeeeeeeeee!"  I'm going to try to convince Latvian Friend we need to go again, if only because I thoroughly enjoyed starring at the 25 year old Dominican dance instructor.  But next time, I will wear my hair in such a way as to make it impossible for crazy old ladies to get at it.

I bought a fake leather jacket yesterday, but I can't decide if it makes me look Euro-cool, or just like a poser in a fake jacket.  Could go either way, really.

The other day I hung a sign up on the bulletin board of the local library that read "American seeking conversation partner for German/English practice," but really it should have read "American seeking friends."  I went today to check on it, and half the numbers have been torn off, so that's good.  Thus far the only person who's actually called me is a 48 year old man named Friedhelm.  Feel free to pause now and laugh at his name, because I already did.  I'm meeting up with him and his twelve year old daughter on Monday.

The host parents are going away for the weekend, which means I have the entire house to myself.  Saturday I am meeting up with another American in the area, who found me over the internet.  Sunday is the Hengstparade, the annual stallion parade, so I am definitely looking forward to that.

Favorite song of the day is "Still," by Jupiter Jones:  

And, that's all I got!  



Anonymous said...

Please take lots of pictures at the parade, and ask someone to take a picture of you riding the big bay thing.

Anonymous said...

I vote for cous cous

Anonymous said...

i would call her kazoo. just because it's cute and i used to love those things. =)

-amy <3

Mugambismonkey said...

Do you know the movie "Night on Earth" by Jim Jarmusch? (It's a must-see!) Well, this guy "Friedhelm" reminded me of this dialog (from the movie):

Yoyo: What's you name, man?
Helmut Grokenberger: Helmut Grokenberger.
[pointing to his cab license]
Helmut Grokenberger: Here, you can read it. That's me.
Yoyo: Helmet?
Helmut Grokenberger: Helmut.
Yoyo: That's your name?
Helmut Grokenberger: Yeah.
Yoyo: Ha ha ha ha ha. That's a fucked up name to be namin' your kid! Helmet! See, 'cause in English, a helmet would be like, you know, like something you would wear on your head, you know? You a... a helmet! Ha ha ha! In English, that would be like callin' your kid, uh, "Lampshade" or some shit like that: 'Hey, Lampshade! Come here and clean up your room!' Ha ha ha ha ha!
Helmut Grokenberger: So, what's your name?
Yoyo: Yoyo.
Helmut Grokenberger: What?
Yoyo: Yoyo. That's my name.
Helmut Grokenberger: ...is Ihr Name?
Yoyo: What? Yoyo.
Helmut Grokenberger: Yoyo. Yoyo.
Helmut Grokenberger: Yoyo. Yoyo, das ist Spielzeug für Kinder.
Yoyo: It ain't got nothin' to do with that. It's my name. Yoyo.
Helmut Grokenberger: It's a toy for kids, Yoyo.
Yoyo: Ain't got nothin' to do with that, man.
Helmut Grokenberger: Okay. Your name Yoyo, my name Helmut. Yoyo, Helmut. It's good.