09 August 2013

The drug story

Hey all!

So I haven't been posting much because nothing has happened to me. I work a lot, and I stress out about Mexico a lot. Also this week has been all about the Mexico clothes shopping which, if you read my last post about how much I hate clothes shopping, means you can probably guess what an enjoyable experience that has been. I can officially say that particular clusterfuck is over and I've come out the other end with one pair of (hideous but cheap) green capri pants, three tank tops, and a (hideous but cheap) pair of sneakers that I've been trying to break in but which may or may not be giving me a blister. More importantly, I finished my week of Mexico clothes shopping with my relationship still intact, which probably says something about the herculean patience my boyfriend is capable of exhibiting when you promise to give him cake in exchange for his company while shopping.

In other news, today I had my final doctor's appointment before I expose my coddled immune system to africanized bees and Montezuma's revenge. I got a last minute tetanus/diptheria/polio shot after my mom's "oh hey" Don't you need that?" moment while she was visiting. At any rate, that's now six illnesses, including rabies, typhus, and Hep A, that the unvaccinated masses can get in Mexico BUT I CANNOT. I can play with dirty needles and scratch my back on rusty nails to my heart's content, like a goddamn SUPERHERO. Bite me, diseases! Not you, rabies, you drooling weirdo.

At any rate, my doctor's appointment post-tetanus/dipetheria/polio triple axel went like this:

Uni Doctor: So now we're going to give you some drugs to take with you.
Me: Alright.
Uni Doctor: Will you get bitten by mosquitoes?
Me: Probably?
Uni Doctor: GREAT, take these drugs for it. Fungal infection, will or will not happen?
Me: Hopefully no?
Uni Doctor: GREAT, take these drugs for it. Have you ever had pink eye?
Me: When I was like, four?
Uni Doctor: GREAT, take these drugs for it.

And that's how I wound up with a pile of drugs the size of my head for everything from blood poisoning to motion sickness. Not included was a magical drug that would improve the health of my Spanish.

Random aside, I didn't even know there were drugs for motion sickness. But there are, and now I have them. Apparently the secret is to take the pill before you get motion sick, but what I want to know is, how am I supposed to know what'll make me motion sick until I get motion sick?

Moral of the story, getting this shit through security without looking like I'm trying to sell them on the wrong side of the border will be interesting.


bevchen said...

Yes, there are pills for motion sickness. My mum has to take them before getting on a train... or an aeroplane, or going on a long car journey where she's not driving. Basically, she gets motion sick on EVERYTHING!

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

Motion sickness pills are gold. I have only taken them when I was going deep sea fishing, but I didn't get sick. But then again maybe I wouldn't have gotten sick anyway. The world will never know...