Thank goodness for alcohol is all I have to say on the matter. Ears are like 8 billion percent better, and I give Wodka Gorbatschow all the credit. The only downside is that after soaking my ears in the stuff, my entire room smells like a frat party.
Going to Europapark on Friday! SO EXCITED! Except I don't exactly know what it is, but it looks like something along the lines of Six Flags meets Epcot, but with more Germans.
Had a barbeque over the weekend (and taught the Germans how to roast marshmallows), and grilling again tomorrow with the equestrian team. Bought new shoes today because my other ones fell apart, and the new ones have kangaroos on them, which makes me exceptionally happy.
Hopefully going to Heidelberg and Stuttgart over the weekend.
Out of a complete lack of anything interesting to share with you, I thought I might detail Five Ways I've Changed Since Getting Here. Whatever. It's sappy, and I don't care. It's also 1 am, and I'm high on vodka fumes, and therefore not responsible for my own actions.
Anyway, whatever:
1) I Eat Food
For actually. I seek out salad, I add vegetables to my pasta, and I turn down dishes that don't have enough broccoli in them. I also eat yoghurt like air. Still barely touch fruit, but have definitely made strides in the vegetable aisle.
2) I'm Like 8 Billion Times More Outgoing
Or at least, I think I am. I make friends like everywhere, and I do it in a foreign language. Props to me. I'll pretty much talk to anyone and everyone.
3) The Freak-Out Tolerance Has Been Considerably Upped
Germany loves naked people. Germany loves sex. Germany loves alcohol. Germany loves all of these combined into one after-midnight television show. Tina has stopped noticing.
Really, when you're the only person in the swimming pool wearing something slightly more covering than a speedo (or just wearing something at all), you really become immune to these sorts of things. You have to, or else you'll attempt to drown yourself in the kiddie pool.
4) I've Been German-ofied
At least a little bit. You can't be here for two months without mastering some sweet German moves, like holding onto the traffic light post for balance on your bike while waiting for the light to change, so that you can get across the street two seconds faster (and, of course, you don't jaywalk. Ever.) Also, I sort trash into four (to six) trash cans, knock on the tables at the end of classes, and navigate the labyrinth bureaucracy that is this entire country (which involves the assistance of 8 different offices spread across town, each of which is only open for 2 hours a day, at precisely the same time as all the other necessary offices which are also, conveniently, right when I have class.) Sometimes, I even tell myself that such bureaucracy is necessary for an efficient life, at least until I realize what I'm saying, and then I go bash my head on a wall.
5) I'm Punctual
Like really, really punctual. Like To The Minute sort of punctual. Like If The Bus Is More Than Sixty Seconds Late I Curse The Terrible German Transportation System And Walk sort of punctual. I forsee huge readjustment difficulties in this area when I get back to the US.
Anyway, I promise next time I'll be more creative/tell you something interesting. Adios!
2 comments: germany is less hang up on sex than we are...that may have something to do with the fact that they do not have the high STD and unplanned pregrancy rates we have! As for nothing interesting to talk about: inquiring minds want to know...what is happening in the aikido department?...and the equestrian stuff? ...good trainer yet?
Your mother would love to know of your new love affair with healthy vegetables.
your blog keeps me from studying for finals and i love it
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