Dear Everyone,
So I keep getting requests for more information on certain aspects of life/activities around here (so far these have mainly been horses and aikido.) But I thought in the spirit of democracy and helping friends procrastinate from studying for finals, I would open up the floor to you: my question, therefore, is what do you guys want to know?
Who's got deep dark questions about anything related to anything relating to my present situation? Whatever you want to know, no matter how mundane, ridiculous or not-child-friendly, I solemly swear to answer it truthfully and in full, cross my heart. I promise to answer anything and everything, no matter what.
Feel free to abuse my trust in your good judgement.
P.S. Here is Your Quick Insight To German Culture (aka, Quote of the Day):
"Did you ever play hide-and-seek as a kid?"
"Yes, but it would be too easy to play it now."
"Why is that?"
"You would find me in the Biergarten."
"Well aren't you a good German."
1. what are classes like?...format?...
2. anything you don't like about Germany?
1. How much has your German improved? Any more near faux pas from misunderstanding a native German's intent (i.e., prepubescent boys "propositioning" you?)
2. Have you gone back to that Aikido school in Konstanz, and has your training experience improved? And must also post about that chick who cowered on the mat when you waved a tanto at her...
You haven't talked too much about differences in is the German food? Tried any traditional dishes?
so all of these people are being kind what i really want ot know is
1. are you still a whore
2. how many historic places have you desecrated by dacing abnoxiously in them
3. did you bring dragon and have you and if so why has he not been in any of your pictures
4. did my package ever arive to you
5. have you met heidi klum and if so have you told her about her stiff compition (that would be me)
Seriously...just how outrageously priced are trebuchets? Do you think you could ship one?
are all germans completely obsessed with weird sex? and like...what kind of weird sex?
and what's up with talking about jews there? is it like not allowed?
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