17 May 2008

Other News

So I've had like 8 gazillion billion million requests for pictures of my ears? Whatever, knock yourselves out:

In other news, I just debated US foreign policy with an Iraqi. This is an eye-opening experience that I would highly recommend.

In other other news, I signed up for this "Rent An American" program, where we go around to local schools in the area and talk to the kids about America-stuff and what not. First training day is tomorrow! This entire endeavor was a bit spontaneous, seeing as I heard about it yesterday, signed up today, and am off to Stuttgart (again) tomorrow.

Anyway, I feel like this is most definitely something I'll get good stories out of.

In other other other news, I still haven't bought a plane ticket home, and I really don't want to, because that would require admitting that I'm leaving in 2 and a half months and making plans thereto. In order to ease the pain of facing the fact that I have to go home, I've been searching for reasons to come back for an extended period of time. So far I've found anthropology masters programs in two Unis in this state, and a bunch of German families that need an American au pair, for like a year. Seeing as this is the best country in the entire world, my new life goal is called finish college, work as an au pair (or something) in Germany, and then just never leave.

In other other other other news, it's 3 AM, I have to be up in like five hours, and I am over and out. Peace homies.


Anonymous said...

U.S. foreign policy, huh?

I'm studying that in U.S. history...i hate that class

Have i mentioned how lucky you are that you're in germany?

Because if i didn't, you're lucky you're in germany, and not stuck in not-so-good VERY old lhs...

<3 Amy

Anonymous said...

...cute earrings- look great on you.