26 May 2008

I made you a video! And now I fixed it so you can watch it!


try clicking this link if the video doesn't work, maybe it'll be better.

Anyway, a poorly edited amateur film consisting of interviews with friends/flatmates is in the works.


Sam said...

First, the video doesn't seem to work.

Second, there was a giant fire in Ulm last night--big enough to make it to channel 10 news (primetime, not just CNN). I recognized the name cuz of your blog post.

Anonymous said...

the video isn't working for me =( and apparently not for sam either!
-Amy <3

Anonymous said...

tina!!! it wont let me watch it because it says were not friends

Anonymous said...

haha, i enjoyed the video, you look good with your ears pierced by the way, i can't believe you'll be home in another month and a half-ish, i miss you!

stranded at lenape as finals are slowly approaching and depressing me,