18 June 2008


Okay, funny story:

So Fabio and I were walking down by the Rhine, when all of a sudden this kid in a (tight) blue leotard riding a unicycle came unicycling towards us. I opened my mouth to make fun of Kid on Unicycle, when Fabio started waving. Confusion? Nope, apparently they're in the same class at Uni, so they chatted happily for a few minutes while I stared at the unicycle and contemplated being unable to afford a bike with two wheels and handelbars. After they parted ways, I was asking how they knew each other, Fabio told me, and then threw in for good measure "He's the world champion of unicycle riding, and the former world record holder." I had to stop my bike at this and get him to repeat it very slowly and carefully to make sure I'd heard correctly, which I had.

I've met alot of cool and famous people in my life (Hurricane Schwarz, Barry Croll, Bruce Springsteen's daughter, Laura Chapot, Mike Teel -who-I-didn't-actually-meet-but-Jean-
says-we-saw-him-at-a-halloween-party), but I can now say I've stood in the presence of the World Champion and Former World Record Holding Unicycler. What happened to The Longest Acronym's world record, you may ask? Apparently some Asian guy's got him recently beat. This is probably not information you mention in his presence.

I know you guys are jealous. Maybe if you all came to Germany, you could meet the World Champion and Former World Record Holding Unicycler too. That's motivation to visit if I've ever heard it.


Anonymous said...

I want to meet him!!!!!! i have the motivation

Anonymous said...

i miss barry croll. and i only had him for one year.

stupid new principal,