17 January 2013

Decision: Not to intern.

Hey all.

Well, I have officially decided not to intern, and here's why.  Today, Real Job came to me and told me they wanted to train me in a particular skill that would make me highly, highly marketable in Europe.  So highly marketable that afterwards I could more or less walk out on my one (soon-to-be-two) degrees and just go get a job making a LOT of money while lamenting the fact that I ever wasted time going to school at all. Said job would not be in something my soul wanted to do, obviously, but it's a career to fall back on.  Also, the skill set looks amazing on my resume.  And when do they want to train me?  February, the month of my internship.  I've decided to take them up on it and back out of the internship for a couple reasons:

--First, the whole highly-marketable thing.  I like the idea of having something on my resume that actually makes me useful.  "Shrewd wielding of sarcasm" doesn't have the same ring to it.

--Second, since Real Job is the one doing the training, I won't have to take off to accomplish it, thereby saving all my vacations days for my fieldwork.

--Third, now I have time to take Spanish over the break. QUE GRANDE!

Since my last post, I've been searching really hard for the middle road, preferably a yellow brick one in which I could have my cake (chocolate, cheese, or chocolate cheese) and happily eat it while skipping along with my friends, all of whom are searching for vital organs on the black market.  I think I've finally found that road, minus the missing organs--I beef up my resume with awesome skillz, while still having enough time to finish all my papers and keep working towards Mexico.

You know what I call that?


Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

Sounds like a sweet deal! But I'm dying to know, what is this skill set and where do I get it?

bevchen said...

Definitely win-win. Good for you!