08 April 2012

I have a bike AND friends!

Exciting news of the day, I have friends!

Yesterday I got a message from an Irish guy on the couchsurfing group, telling me that if I planned on going to the weekly meetup, he would be there.  So I went, and we had a lovely chat just the two of us.  Then we were joined by an absolutely hilarious Chinese girl and a German mountain man, both really, really cool people.  We had a lot of fun at the bar, and then when the place got full, we went to a basement bar with no windows and drank hot chocolate.

Today I got a text message from Irish Guy (hereafter known as Galway), inviting me to meet up with him and two Bulgarian exchange students for an evening of yet unplanned fun.  So I did!  We were joined by a really cool Kiwi, and the German Mountain man from yesterday.  We hung out at the bar for a bit and made friends with a bachelor party before deciding to go back to the Kiwi's place and watch a movie. She plugged her hard drive in and we were scrolling through all her movies when I spotted Black Sheep, and was all "No way, you have BLACK SHEEP."  We were the only two who had seen it, but once we explained the premise--genetically engineered mutant sheep on a New Zealand farm that kill people---everyone else was more than down.  And it was amazing, as it always is.  The Bulgarian girls invited us to get together with them tomorrow, so that's what we're doing.

I'm so happy, I think I'll bake tomorrow.


Zack said...

Ahahaha you watched Black Sheep! That's awesome! That movie was fucking terrible!

Anonymous said...

But what will you WEAR?? Shall I suggest Lauren Conrad?

<3youknowwhothisis =)

Tina! said...