02 February 2013

Happy February! And German neighbor Drama Llama

Hey all!

This is going to be short because I have nothing to tell you and the sun is out for the first time in over a week so I want to run outside before it starts raining again.  Coming up on the last week of classes and now stress-time, also known as Write Shit Tons Of Paper, begins.  Joy.  But right now, I've got to get these funding applications done and sent in, and my bike is broken, again.  Rideable, but I still have to take it to the bike store.

Ah crap, the sun went away.

As far as my psycho-neighbors go, they are still psycho and have been driving me and Roommate psycho ourselves with all their fucking door-slamming, which I'm pretty sure they deliberately coincide with the end of the semester because they are actually that awful.  As we speak, I have a police report read to go, I'm just waiting for the doors to start again so I can hit "Send."  Will the cops be able to do anything?  Not really. But my goal with this police report is to finally get the housing people's attention. They've been blowing us off, and the woman who's in charge of our block refuses to come by and help us because, and I quote, she "doesn't want to talk to them."  Yes, I have neighbors so horrible that not even the people whose job it is to talk to them want to talk to them.  So maybe we can kick some asses in gear once the higher-ups get word that the police are involved.  We shall see.

The sun is back!  That's my cue.  Here, have my favorite song of the day.  I love George Watsky because he is adorkable and also really really clever.  Also, it's impossible to stay mad at my neighbors once I turn this on.  Until they start slamming doors again, then all bets are off.


bevchen said...

You got sun? I'm totally jealous! I had to go in to town today and I got soaked.

Happy February to you too!

Anonymous said...

Crazy neighbors vs scorpions and flying roaches.....Hmmmmm!