Today was Favorite Six Year Old's first day of school (ever), and it is a really big deal in Germany. Usually, according to host mom, first days of school involve church services, concerts, and plays staged by the older kids, but FSYO goes to a really small school, as in, there are six kids in her class. So first, we all gathered at the school where lots of pictures were taken, and children received their Schultüten--giant cone-shaped thingies filled with candy and school supplies.
Then we all went inside, where the teaches put on a short play about a cat who can't find her C. Really a Katze who can't find her K, but I translate for you.
This was followed by a buffet lunch, and then we all went to FSYO's dad's house for more food. FSYO was very pleased with her Silly Bandz gift, and also the pile of loot she got out of her Schultüte.
So tomorrow we're getting up at 4 AM to be in Denmark by the early afternoon. We're staying in a rental house near the beach, that is, sadly, minus internet. That means for the next two weeks, I have to find other things to entertain me besides facebook. Mostly I'm just sad I'm going to miss the Glee Project finale, which is tomorrow night. Amy, DON'T TELL ME WHO WINS.
But! Because I love you, I will hit up an internet cafe at least twice to blog about (read: make fun of) the Danes. So please, all twelve of you that regularly read this, don't completely abandon me for the next two weeks, I promise I will get something up here. See you for real again in September!
Be nice about the Danes. Those folks bicycle a lot! That's good for the environment.
They are also the happiest country in the world. To think no one has probably done a proper introduction to the Ukulele to them. Just think how great the country could be if a lot of bicycles were carrying Ukes.
Enjoy! Ride a bicycle while you are there.
I'm going to be moved into school on sunday, which means i will also be missing the glee project finale and i'll have to watch it online later. IF YOU WATCH IT FIRST DON'T TELL ME WHO WINS. DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT IT UNTIL WE HAVE COME TO AN AGREEMENT THAT IT HAS BEEN WATCHED ON BOTH ENDS. =)
Jim, The GERMANS ride bikes everywhere, and so do I! Well, actually I have a flat tire at the moment, which is killing me because walking is so damn slow.
Take lots of pictures....
Hi - Denmark is very nice to visit. Traveled there with folks a while ago. So have fun and I know there will be lots of stories to write about. And I will also promise not to tell you who wins on the Glee Project. Will send some snail mail your way soon. You are miss !
"Really a Katze who can't find her K, but I translate for you." Hahaha, you are hilarious, Tina! :-)
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