16 August 2011

Tests, Cards, Mustaches and IIGOIIG REVEAL!

So the crunch is beginning to start figuring out this language test so I can study.  My main problem at the moment is that the only available prep course for me to take, a) isn't very good, according to the guy who directs it, and b) would cost me somewhere in the neighborhood of a thousand dollars.  Which is a lot of money, especially when the guy in charge of it tells you that it's shit.  I appreciate the honesty, if not the price tag.

But before I can take the test that qualifies me to study in in this country, I have to take the test that qualifies me to take the test that qualifies me to study in this country.  Fuck you too, this country.

So I'm off to Hannover tomorrow morning to spontaneously take that.  Fun.

In other news, Claire just sent me two ridiculously hilarious cards, the first of which I am putting here without her permission:

Yo T-Money,

Hey Whore hope your well and that maybe your face has cleared up a little or something maybe in the future when I see you again we can be nice to each other but I guess thats a long shot because now we are compeeting EU nations and without my EU superpower status your little nation would be absorbed back into SPAIN!!!!  Ahhhahhhhh your just a wart off the coat of the internationaly known stripper pole of europe A dingleberry on the ibearian Peninsula welcome to the Whore House Bitch!!!!!

Love you
Lady Love Killah.

I miss this.  I miss you guys.  Please write me, it makes me happy.

In other other news, I invented retardedly delicious apple cinnamon pancakes today.  I listened to Doris Day while I ate them, and basked in my domestic triumph.

In other other news, here is my favorite song of the moment for you.  Aside from the lead singer's misguided attempts to grow a mustache, I am a Mumford and Sons fan. Note to British nationals (Claire), and all others: if your facial hair manifests itself as a Hitler 'stache, do the world a favor and scrap it.  Contrary to popular belief, that's not a look I need to see on the cover of GQ.  Love, Tina.

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!  Remember this post, when I spotted a guy completed coordinated in powder blue in Berlin, and asked you all whether it was gay or German?  You all chimed in that he was, without a doubt, gay.  Well I have news for you, folks, he had his hands down some girls pants.  A full-time girl's pants, no less.

Thus, the IIGOIIG scoreboard is as follows:

German: 1
Crazy and Homeless: 1
Gay: 0
In Denial: 1


Anonymous said...

i highly doubt that ended with "love you" because thats a lie...
with regrets

colehead said...

Why aren't you this funny in person? Cole

Anonymous said...

because I think before I speak, but not before I type?
