15 June 2011

The Bucket List

So, right before I left for Germany in 2008, my friends created for me a bucket list of Things To Accomplish While Abroad.  The list was as follows:

1)  Speak German to a stranger and be completely misunderstood
2)  Get hopelessly lost and have no idea how to get back to wherever I got lost from.
3)  Stop liking horses (this was an old bet.)
4)  Beat up a German dude.
5)  Consume wienerschnitzel and wear lederhosen, and/or consume lederhosen and wear wienerschnitzel.
6)  Become a dachsund farmer
7)  Visit Dresden
8)  Learn to blow glass and sculpt them into ballerina figurines.
9)  Speak German to a stranger and be completely understood.

All things considered, I did not do too badly for myself.

However, Sam, Jen, and Claire have created a new bucket list for me, and this one is a) much longer and b) much more difficult.  But I am determined!  And I have a shitload of time on my hands.  And so, these are the things I must do this time around:

1)  Be mistaken for at least six different ethnicities
2)  Be physically assaulted by a PPB (which Sam has defined as punched, kicked, or slapped, which is a much better alternative to what I thought she initially meant.)
3)  Give a stranger a flower
4)  Start an English language trend
5)  Make a Tina video
6)  Wear blue nail polish and convince everyone that that's what Americans do
7)  Be/meet a German soap opera star
8)  Stall out my manual transmission in a highly inconvenient place
9)  Wear the German flag colors/wear a flag as a dress
10)  Go Christmas caroling
11)  Climb a German mountain (clothing optional)
12)  Get into a magazine (preferably a golfing one)
13)  Learn to sail
14)  Go to Iceland
15)  SHBF
16)  Discover the difference between Euro and gay, and be able to spot it at 90% accuracy.
17)  Meet Angela Merkel
18)  Go to the British military base
19)  Do the Deb voice somewhere, to someone who doesn't know what it is.

I believe I have my work cut out for me.


Sam said...

Preferably Deb needs to be done on multiple occasions. As does SHBF.

Tina! said...

I agree on both counts.