22 June 2011

A Peculiar Occurrence in the Center of Town

So today I was on the hunt for batteries, ice cream and envelopes, and had just gotten to the center of town when I suddenly heard a thousand teenage throats open up in hysterical screaming.  Immediately, my brain narrowed the list of plausible possibilities down to only the Most Likely.

I did my mental checklist.  Did I hear gunshots, explosions, or sirens?  No.  So no one had been assassinated.  Did I see fire, smell smoke, or hear buildings being crushed until gigantic, badly dubbed monster feet?  No.  So Godzilla had not come to Celle.  Which left only one possibility: Justin Bieber.

At this point, I was both intrigued and kind of excited.  Justin Bieber!  That would be a story for my blog.  And lucky me, I had brought my camera with the intention of taking pictures of the town, so wouldn't my sister be happy when I sent her Justin Bieber pictures!

When I got closer, I realized that everyone was covered in paint, and I thought: "Strange!  Not only do people throw their underwear at him, but they throw paint on each other!"  Then I realized that half the crowd was male, and I thought "Perhaps Justin Bieber has a lot of gay teenage fans that have converged upon this town." Then I finally broke through the crowd, and realized that there had been a fourth option all along, and I'd missed it.

I don't know whose idea it was to parade all the graduating seniors around in a dump truck conga line, but personally, I would have preferred Justin Bieber.

Don't believe me?  Here's a video, it's short because I was sad:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. I'm actually more entertained by the fact that there are seniors in a dump truck over justin bieber. not that justin bieber isn't entertaining.