28 September 2011

Ask me things!

For starters, we are having what old people and not-indians refer to as an Indian Summer, which means the weather is banging, it never rains, and I love everything!

Lots and lots of barn madness has gone down today, plus also I made chocolate mousse, which does not violate the terms of the baking strike because it's not baking, it's just mixing and refrigerating.  I've been doing lots of Di exercises with the crazy mare, and the difference already is pretty astounding, she almost looks like a real horse.  Hooray for Di exercises!

Otherwise, I've been doing a lot of sneaking off to the bookstore, just so I can read Water for Elephants in English.  This is how I set myself up to fail the mega language test, unless my essay has to be about Water for Elephants.

On a positive note, I have friends, and not even imaginary ones!  Barn friends, which is so fabulous.  And some are even my age!  Today one of the ten-year-old girls was grilling me on what Americans eat.  I asked her what she thought we ate, and she replied "hot dogs."  Yes, ten-year-old, among other things, we do eat hot dogs.  She almost had an excitement heart attack when I told her I would bake chocolate chip cookies next week, which, for the record, does not violate the baking strike because I'll be bringing them to the barn(s), where people  appreciate my culinary magic.  And if they don't, there's always the horses.  Who are used to these things because bread is a regular part of a German horse's diet?  I don't understand either.

In other news, I've had a lot of traffic from Russia this last week?  Hello Russia.  Your mullet looks fabulous today.

On that note, I'm out of things to tell you, and I haven't even seen a questionably gay man (although I did the homeless and crazy guy who was dressed in the exact same clothes as the first time I saw him, probably because they're the only ones he owns). So, I've decided to do a second installment of a post from my first time in Germany, and it is called:


Anything you're dying to know about Germany, me, or my living situation that I haven't answered in the blog? I solemnly swear to answer any and all questions, no matter how deep, dark, probing, invasive, offensive, or racist.  I have faith that you will ask profound and educational questions, but feel free to take out my faith in you with a gatling gun.  It's why we're friends in the first place.



Anonymous said...

What was the barn madness? Do Germans like chocolate mousse? Do germans really feed bread to the horses? DOesn't host mom work at the University? Does that mean she is violating one of the main Hippie Kindergarten rules; no working mothers?

Sam said...

What is the thing that you couldn't tell us from the last blog entry? SHBF??

Mugambismonkey said...

The Hippie Kindergarten sounds hilarious! I just feel really sorry for the brainwashed kids!

Yeah, Germans feed bread to their horses (at least my dad does) but he says the bread has to be completely dry, otherwise the horse may get digestion problems. (Sorry, Tina, I anticipated your answer to this question.)

But I have two more for you: What's your favorite German dish? And what's the most disgusting food you have come across in Germany so far?