03 May 2008

New Words

A brief conversation that I had with Sungmi on the bus today:

SM: "You know, you've taught me alot of good English words."
Me: "Yeah? Like what?"
SM: "Like 'sweet.'"
Me: "Okay."
SM: "'Awesome.'"
Me: "Good."
SM: "'I'm going to kick your ass.'"
Me: "Oh."
SM: "'Whore.'"
Me: "Wow, look, our bus stop."

In my defense, it's that whole lack-of-Asian-distinction-between-the r/l thing, and I could only take so much of "Tina, why do you have a whore in your shoe?" before I had to stop and fix it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hold that thought, let me take a minute to laugh my ass off...


Still laughing (haha...),