I honest to God think foreign girls give off some sort of scent that only German boys under the age of thirteen can smell, I don't know how they do it, but they do it every time. We were coming back from our a meeting with our program director (and, ironically, having a conversation about how pre-pubescent German boys are imps of Satan), when two PPGBs (about 8 years old) picked us up on their Foreign Girl Radar or whatever it is they've got, and started walking behind us. Except then they must have given each other the signal or what not because next thing we knew, they were marching in sync on our heels and screaming. I turned around to ask what they were doing, but they just kept screaming and marching, marching and screaming, and because we didn't know what else to do plus were a little freaked out, we started marching with them. This is how two 8 year old Germans paraded three Americans (aged 20-26) for a solid ten minutes down a public street. The worst part was, their grandmother was standing right there and totally didn't do a thing about it. Take a close look, pre-prubescent German boys, this is your kind totally pwning our kind.
PPGBs: 4
Tina: 1
Later a New Zealand friend had a birthday party, so we all grilled on the back lawn and I made lots of new friends. I talked to one Turkish/German girl who says that as long as the Bush administration is in power, she won't visit the US because she's afraid US citizens will throw her in Abu Ghraib, put a bag over her head, and torture her because she's Muslim. I had to very patiently and carefully explain that not all Americans are psychotic, but she didn't believe me. She did, however, think I was Spanish, which officially puts the count up to like 15.
Quote of the night:
So me and one of the other girls from Rutgers were talking to this Polish kid. "Where are you from?" he said to me. "I'm from the US, I go to the same school as her," I replied, pointing to the other girl from Rutgers. "Ahhh..." Polish kid said wisely, "you two must be very much in love."
What do you say to a Polish kid who assumes romantic relations between you and another girl just because you both give all your money to the same university? Where is the logic in this train of thought? Is this how it works in Poland?
pre-pubescent german boys just love you
and as for the whole polish guy thing, i don't even know what to say to that, aaahahaha, that's hilarious.
thouroughly confused by comments made by a polish guy,
What if you were participating in a PPGB Nazi march?? Tina, never join in on their antics since they are clearly out to get you.
And yes, that's obviously how it is in Poland.
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