05 May 2008

Tina Loses Her Wallet Again, And Other Short Stories Not Good Enough To Blog About, But That I'll Blog About Anyway

To commemorate the one month anniversary (to the day) of losing my wallet, I celebrated by losing my wallet again. Before you all commence freaking out on me, let me tell you the story first:

I was in the laundry room doing laundry (duh), and when I put my waschraum cards back in my wallet, I guess I forgot to put said wallet in my purse. An hour later I realized what I'd done, freaked out, and ran back to the laundry room, but of course the wallet was gone. I immediately made signs and hung them on the door of the laundry room and in the elevator. Twenty minutes of panic later I decided to search the laundry room just one more time. I walked in, and this girl pointed at me and said "Are you the one...?" "Yeah," I said. "Give me ten minutes," she said, "I've got it upstairs."

Thank you Karma.

Thanks to New Colombian Wallet Saving Friend, I got my wallet back. I tried to give her food, but she wouldn't take it. Okay, now you may commence freaking out on me.

I would like to issue a blanket warning to anyone who may wish to marry (or date or be friends with or avoid) CR in the future, because the girl is a beast in the kitchen, and by beast I mean raging kleptomaniac. Kitchen Klepto (formerly known as CR) managed to hide the oven pans (not the racks this time) so well, it took me a solid ten minutes to find them. Don't worry Kitchen Klepto, as opposed to leaving the oven pans in their convenient kitchen storage place next to the oven, I too think it's a better idea to hide them on the ground in the pantry under the stacks of shelves and up against the back wall where other people have to get down on their hands and knees with a flashlight to find them. This way, when robbers or zombies come, we'll be able to sneak out while they're still trying to find something to bake cookies with.

Both my ears (especially the one the ladies messed up on) have been red and hurting, and I think they're getting infected. The stupid bottle of drops those ladies made by buy for 2 Euros hasn't been helping at all, and the last thing I want to do is try navgiating the German health care system. So today, on advice from a Slovakian friend of mine, I went out and bought new stuff to put on my ears. Personally, I think the fact that I'm currently soaking the sides of my head in vodka more than makes up for the girly tendencies that lead me to poke holes in my ears in the first place.

I almost got hit by a pigeon today.

Beer mixed drinks are actually really good. This is completely unrelated to me almost getting hit by a pigeon.

Peace out amigos!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

All those interesting short stories, and you managed to leave out your first experience at that Aikido dojo.

Sucks about the infected ears. Happened to me twice when I got my right ear re-pierced, which was I quit bothering with it...
