17 July 2008

words germans will never be able to say

Marina and I have started compiling a list. Here it is:

t.v (it's so cute, they say tee-wee)

Fabio and Vegemite have taken revenge by making their own list of words americans will never be able to say:

Eichhörnchen (squirrel)
rühren (to stir)
Möhrchen (carrot)
Röhrchen (I forget what this means)
Schornsteinfeger (chimney sweep)
Tschechische Republik (the Czech Republic)

My oral presentation went AWESOME! My Professor was thrilled out of his skull. Woot! Rent an American visit tomorrow in Tübingen, going to go talk to some 16 year old German kids about American. Knowing Me and German teenagers, I should come back dead. Vegemite's birthday today! SCHOOL IS OFFICIALLY OVER!!




Anonymous said...

I told you you would do well!!!...go Tina!!!!

Anonymous said...

I knew you'd do great, dad took your worrying about it as tina's-not-at-all-prepared even though we told him that wasn't true. And I spent 20 minutes in german class trying to say tschechische republik my freshman year. And I'm proud to say that although it's not perfect, i think i can make myself understood (maybe). and spell it right too.

trying to say tschechische and failing miserably, amy

Anonymous said...

Some words americans cannot spell:

jewelry or jewellery