02 November 2011

ALL the cool shit.

I'm having a meltdown.  And no, I did not see naked people on tv.

The main cause of my meltdown is grad school apps.  In my last post, I said I had to pick a minor, but I'm torn between Sweden and Ling Anth/Native America.  My meltdown is coming from the fact that I can't decide.  But, if I'm to be honest, it's not my indecision that's left me with the Godzilla of panic attacks, it's the terrible thought that occurred to me around midnight: what if being an adult means not getting to do ALL the cool shit?

Rewind.  The general consensus from yesterday was that I should minor in Ling Anth, because it's right up my alley, I already know I like it, and it's better for jobs.  Then I got to thinking, and truly, the field of language/culture preservation is actually really appealing to me, and that major/minor combo would set me up for it perfectly.  I've been blandly answering the question "What do you want to do with your life?" with a vague "I dunno, like NGOs or something," for a year or two, but the more I think about it, the more I like this more specific path.  I like languages.  I like (most) people.  I like the idea of preserving and revitalizing languages and cultures, and I like the idea that this will probably a) never be boring, b) involve very little sitting at a desk,  and c) take me to fun places all over the world where I can chill out with people who are wiser than me and who may or may not try to feed me haggis or something equally disgusting.

So now the problem is that I know ling anth would, career-wise, make more sense.  I mean, this is my masters we're talking about here, this is not a BA in basket-weaving, it will have direct repercussions on my job choices for the rest of my life.  But right this minute, I want to study Swedish.  Therefore, the problem has just become, do I do what I know I would enjoy/would prepare me for the jobs I want, or do I just do what I want.  And then, the bad question.  Does being an adult mean that I will only get to do SOME of the cool shit, and not ALL the cool shit?

Well there's a nasty thought.  If there's one thing my childhood instilled in me, it's a sleek employment of selfish tunnel vision until I get to do the cool shit I want.  When it came to activities, my mother never told me no.  I wanted violin lessons?  I got them.  I hated violin and wanted piano lessons?  I got them.  I wanted riding lessons?  I got them.  I wanted a pony?  It took me 8 years of persistence, but I got a giant one.  I wanted to roadtrip to Canada with my best friends?  I got it.  I wanted to go to Germany for two weeks in high school, then study abroad, then study abroad again, then give America the middle finger forever?  I got it.  Then I got older and started having to pay for my own things, but I still found a way to do everything I wanted, when I wanted it badly enough.  Mostly because my mom taught me never to question whether or not I should do cool shit, but rather, to decide what I wanted to do, and then figure out the way to do it.

Except now I'm left with a total existential crisis, because at the moment it's looking like there are lots of roads diverging in a yellow wood, with lots of cool shit going down on all of them, but the roads don't intersect.  What if I don't get do everything?  What if I don't get to do anything?  What if I don't want to?  What if I never work on the pirate ship?  Or climb Mt. Kilimanjaro?  Or backpack Asia?  Or move to Sweden?  What if my life isn't big enough for me to cram so much cool shit in it?  What if I wind up like the majority of grown-ups who hate their job, hate their life, hate themselves, and regret that they didn't do the all cool shit?  WHAT IF I CAN'T DO ALL THE COOL SHIT.

...Nah, fuck it, I'm doing all the cool shit.  Somehow.


Zack said...

I know this only answers the immediate question, but who says you can't take Swedish anyway? Sure it won't be your minor and you won't get to show it off on paper, and it may take you longer to get your degree, but why not do both? You'll still have learned Swedish stuff. I have no official minor in Japanese, but I can still speak it (kinda).

So, do what you want anyway! It'll take you longer to get to where you wanna go, but you don't plan on dying anytime soon, right? You'll never get to do ALL the cool shit, but there's no reason you still can't do a lot of it.

Jim said...

So you are drawn to Linguistic Anthropology / Native America. Any chance of adding Old Norse in lieu of, or, in addition to?

Are you planning on stopping at master's level or do you have secret hopes of PHd

Tina! said...

Zack, I don't know, masters degrees here are pretty regimented, I don't actually get a choice in the classes I take.

Nope Jim, it's a no go, plus old norse is boring and I want to learn real swedish. And a master's is as far as I'm going!

Anonymous said...

Why do you want to give America the middle finger forever?

Tina! said...

it was an expression.

Anonymous said...

Very strange expression. I never heard it before but it makes it seem like you really hate America.

Tina! said...

it would be easier to respond if I knew who I was talking to.

bbycrts said...

Tina - don't give ol' anonymous the time of day. They're trying to get a rise out of you. I mean, you would think that your average American troll would be proud to attach their name to their accusations, boldly proclaiming their freedom of speech. But...well, I guess anonymous is just unAmerican.


I still vote for the linguistics thing...

And remember - you haven't done ALL the cool shit until you've eaten tequila on your pancakes.

chindog said...

Bbydrts, ol Anonymous may be even worse. He may be Un-Merkin!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is a song by Ben Folds called "There's Always Someone Cooler than You". I think that goes for life as well. There is always something cooler out there that you can be involved in, that you can be at, that you can do. And if you were there doing that cooler thing, there would probably be something else out there that would also, seem cooler.


I mean, the grass truly is always greener on the other side.

So I say, trust your impulses, go with you gut, AND always be happy where you are. Because in the words of Ben Folds, "There is always someone cooler than you!" Unless you are a narcasist, it would be hard to ever feel like we have achieved everything we want to achieve by the time we die. We live every day the best we can, leave the world better than we found it, and fill out lives with people we love.

Ok... so maybe that veered off the subject some. The point is, You are doing it right sista'. You aren't missing and opportunity, you aren't missing a day, and no matter what you choose you will be where you are meant to be. As the Beatles say, "There's nowhere you can be that not where you are meant to be". Good and bad. So, go forth and do the cool poo poo that you think you will love the most!


Anonymous said...

Oh, and thought I say anonymous, I was not the previous anonoymous.

-mim again

tinaingermany2 said...

Mim, you are fabulous.

Love, Tina

Mom said...

Your problem is that there are too many things you are interested in which makes it difficult to choose. Btw, I agree with Zack. Just because you pursue the linguistics route doesn't mean you cannot learn Swedish. And in reality, human beings never get to do absolutely everything they want to do just because there's so much out there. Enjoy all that you do, have done and will do...and don't forget that there is always something lurking around the corner waiting for you to discover. And then you'll want to do that too!

Zack said...

Well then clearly the only solution is to start punching people in the face until you get to take some Swedish classes.

I always vote for face-punching.

Mugambismonkey said...

"What if I wind up like the majority of grown-ups who hate their job, hate their life, hate themselves, and regret that they didn't do the all cool shit?"

Wow, that pretty much sums up my life! :-)

Mugambismonkey said...

You haven't even tried German beer yet and you're afraid you could miss out on some cool shit? :-)
Now I EXPECT a lengthy post on the subject of personal German beer testing! And no excuses, Tina - I'll test your knowledge one day! :-)

Anonymous said...

Dear Tina,

You are studying abroad in Germany for the second time. You studied abroad in Bolivia just because you decided it was the most unchareristic thing you could think of to do with your summer. Your solution to a last minute b-day party was a purple llama cake. And the career choice that you're considering in possible lieu of learning Swedish is to study the disappearance of languages in the Americas.

You're worried about having a boring desk job why exactly? If you found yourself there you would totally just pick up and move somewhere else. You're doing awesome things now, and I expect you to continue doing awesome things whatever degree you get. And if you want to learn Swedish, I have no doubt that you will manage to do so. And sooner rather than later.

So stop worrying and go study some awesome stuff!


Anonymous said...

I love you Patricia.

Love, Tina

Anonymous said...

As you can tell, I'm spending a Friday night catching up on blogs I follow, including yours. (Side note--the mean people at work have wanted me to actually work for the last three months….bastards!)

You have one life to live. That's all. Make the best of it that you can. At (almost) 41, I have come to understand that it's just not the road you choose, but how you travel that road that is important. No, you can't do everything. It pisses me off too. But if I capitalize on the opportunity I'm currently in, then I'm doing great!

Just my $0.02.
