14 November 2011

all is quiet on the German front

Hey friends!

All is quiet on the German front, so I unfortunately don't have much to tell you.  But it is Sam's birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!

I realized today my hair is creeping steadily closer to the line between Attractive and Live Action Role Playing, so I will have to arrange a hair cut in the near future.  In Germany, this unfortunately involves making an appointment, so it'll be a while before I stop being lazy enough to pick up the phone and call people.  In the meantime, it is quite possible my hair will hit larping status, and I'll start getting hit on by people in black who braid their beards.  Male and female.

The other day I chased down a street musician wearing a Union cavalry uniform to give him some euros, because he was playing some seriously badass harmonica and guitar.  That has nothing to do with anything.

My massive language test is on Saturday, and...I'm calm.  I've never studied this hard for anything in my life, mostly because I suck at studying.  I never opened a book in high school, and in college I only opened them if the summary on the flap contained such key words as "socio-linguistic analysis" or "dragons."  But I have been studying for this test ever day since the beginning of September, and over the weekend, I did my daily assessment of the panic meters, and discovered, much to my surprise, they were silent.  I can't tell if this is what adequate preparation feels like, or if this is the sensation drowning victims get somewhere in between inhaling seawater and hugging Jesus.

So until we've got that point cleared up, here, have my favorite song of the day.  Yes, I watch X-Factor, but only the British version because it's better.  But while procrastinating on Youtube I somehow stumbled across this clip of a contestant from the American version, and now I can't stop listening to it.  I'm not sure why the image is reversed, but that's probably what happens when you rip shit from television.


Sam said...

I got my birthday package ON MY BIRTHDAY!! What a brilliant stroke of strategy to send it from Germany at exactly the right time to get it here by the 14th!

I love my cat chocolates. I also love that Germans make chocolates with cat faces printed on them.

Anonymous said...

but seriously. i think you could donate two feet and your hair would still be longer than mine =P
